February 12, 2005

Sweet Embrace

After midterms I am ill. I suppose it was because of the pressure from work and school. I dare not to say that my spiritual state is ill as well, for I have glorified God for this "thorn in the flesh" so that I may spend this time in bed, in His arms.
"The Lord is my Shepherd..." Though nauseous and weak, I have felt the presence of God stronger in my life today. Surrounded by worship music, and His pierced hands... His soft voice whispering into my ear those words I've longed to hear from His lips, "I love you, my Songbird." Though weak in the flesh, the Lords has glorified Himself in my spirit, and my soul has found that peace "which surpasses all understandings." He's looked into my naked soul, and has cleansed the wicked feelings that don't conform to His ways.
The path to the Cross is a path of renunciation. Step by step, the Creator of heaven and earth strips my soul and my flesh from those things hindering the flow of His spirit. During this time, I have come to love Him as I never thought I could love anyone else. Jesus, the One and Only. My Beloved, my Shepherd, my Prince, my Wonderful Consoler...

May I request from you, that you have me in your prayers, if once or twice a week that will suffice. Pray for my trip to Southern Spain (Andalusia) and Morocco. Pray that the Lords will give us (The Grecos, and team) boldness, wisdom, and peace as we minister to the pastors and worship leaders in Spain and Morocco. Specially in Morocco, as it is a Muslim country, though we won't be able to meet with the underground Church in Morocco, we will be ministering to the leaders of these underground churches.

Here's a little song I wrote a couple of months ago which relates to the embrace of my Heavenly Prince...

Sweet Embrace

Take me in your arms of love
and show me your ways.
Teach me your truths as you
hold me close.

All in your sweet embrace,
there I find my strength;
where I come to know you,
as you hold me close.

(Oct. 17th, 2004)

No quiero ni pensar, en una vida de falsedad
porque contigo todo va muy bien.
No quiero ni pensar, que seria de mi
si mi oracion no fuera para ti.

Yo quiero que mi oracion sea como la fragancia
de un gardin, no cualquie gardin,
si no un gardin de rosas...

From RoJo. Learn more about RoJo

In hot pursuit,

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