August 21, 2006

Corro a Ti...

As my Summer comes to an end, I thank God for all the good gifts that He's added into my life. I thank Him for my Church and for the amazing vision of wanting to dream bigger dreams and wanting to "imagine" the infinite and wonderful possibilities of a life completely surrendered to God.
I also thank Him for the gift of Sie7E where I have found new friends, renewed joy, and unconditional love... The happiness that has been summoned is unimaginable, and overflowing.

The addition of other greater Gifts reminds me of God's unfailing love for His children, yet many times we fail to see the greater and the better that God has for us. Be always reminded that your best, if it ever comes to pass, might not be God's best; so I'd like to encourage you to continue to pursue the greater and better that God has for your life. The amazing gifts that God has for your life await to be delivered into your hands, once you accept His perfect will for your life, and align yourself- then, they will be yours. He's only waiting to take you farther than what you can imagine.

"Your thoughts - how rare, how beautiful! God, I'll never comprehend them! I couldn't even begin to count them - any more than I could count the sand of the sea. Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with you! " Ps. 139:17-18

In hot pursuit,

Grupo Sie7E

Long, lasting friendship...

August 07, 2006


Sometimes a simple stare, a smile, a sight, or silence in its deepest, most complex form can scream at you. It can tell you things words cannot match.
I encountered this silence today, the stares... and I am confused, because I don't know how to interpret it all, yet in the midst of all this silence and confused smiles, I am beginning to understand...

By Ashish Joy

Words escape trembling lips
As breath cools the heat rising within
The heart fluttering as hands rummage
Head burning in the heat of night
As silence breeds a breathless stare

Words are meaningless
Hearts stare at each other
Eyes meet and a smile surfaces
Features go soft
A laugh erupts