October 27, 2005

Moroccan Evening

October 20, 2005

Thoughtless... not

I've been really busy these past couple of weeks with school and church activities... So, all I think about most of the time is: How is the Media influencing me today? or I wonder what Blake meant in that poem? or What was Carlyle thinking when he wrote Natural Supernaturalism? or If culture is influence by the environment of the individual, then a person is able to change his/her culture... I wonder if I move to North Africa, will my culture change as to not be "Mexican" anymore?
Then, in the mist of the chaotic thought processing, I remember a Bible verse... "Honor the Lord with your possessions... pues mucha paz tienen los que aman tu ley... in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... blessed are those who..."
Furthermore I think about my personal life: "What should I say to _________ so that he gets the hint? Should I be more straight forward? Is this going to be God's will? God, is this the one? Please! I beg you, I hope this is it!"

"What a life!" I say to myself. But then, I hear God say to me, "Trust me!" And then, peace, joy, and assurance. God's sovereignty is beyond what I can think or even imagine. Day by day, I choose to give my life to Him, in all I do, in all I think of, let it all be for the Glory of GOD!

In hot pursuit,

October 07, 2005

Credo Statement

I had this assignment as part of my Intercultural Communication class. It's my credo statement, which encompasses my core believes and values, all in a "nut shell." Though this is a very short version of my credo statement, I tried to make it as concise as possible so that it could express all that the most important aspects of my life, without losing its truest essence.

"As a born-again Christian, I believe in the eternal truths of the Word of God. My life decisions and actions are based on the Bible principles so that I may live a life that reflects the true essence of God and Christ.
I believe that everything that happens in my life is for a purpose, and that God works around this purpose so that it may work for good into my life.
My life has a purpose and a destiny, therefore, it is my responsibility to be equipped so that God may use my life, and that way, my life can be a reflection of God’s grandeur and power. Christ in me, the Hope of glory

In hot pursuit,