October 07, 2005

Credo Statement

I had this assignment as part of my Intercultural Communication class. It's my credo statement, which encompasses my core believes and values, all in a "nut shell." Though this is a very short version of my credo statement, I tried to make it as concise as possible so that it could express all that the most important aspects of my life, without losing its truest essence.

"As a born-again Christian, I believe in the eternal truths of the Word of God. My life decisions and actions are based on the Bible principles so that I may live a life that reflects the true essence of God and Christ.
I believe that everything that happens in my life is for a purpose, and that God works around this purpose so that it may work for good into my life.
My life has a purpose and a destiny, therefore, it is my responsibility to be equipped so that God may use my life, and that way, my life can be a reflection of God’s grandeur and power. Christ in me, the Hope of glory

In hot pursuit,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. what an amazing statement. truly inspiring. a university witness that reflects the tru authentic beauty of God.