September 21, 2006

A principle for life... for my life

The Northwest fall is here. As I look out my bedroom window, I can see the small drops of rain falling down... obedient to the will of the Father- gravity; and as I open my window to witness such event live, the wind swiftly blows down causing me to close my eyes and sense the smell of rain. The scented smell of wetted dirt, the fresh smell of drenched lavender- all obedient to the will of He who has submitted all things under His feet, and that yield to their Designer’s tenacity and creativity. The carefully orchestrated seasons come, and go; as summer leaves, the burgundy color of the once green leaves indicates that fall has arrived.

I see the leaves beginning to fall, and though to some, the withered trees appear as death; this only marks the beginning of something new. A type of death that symbolizes life. All things made new. I see our latest acquisition to the family running through the temporarily disabled strawberry leaves, as he cautiously digs around to hide the nuts I had set out for him to eat earlier this morning. This little new friend incites me to think about his innate nature, and again I come to the conclusion that, he's following only the orders that he had been set out to follow, as he worships his Creator by performing exactly what he was meant to do. All of nature, obedient to the Will of God.

I've come to accept His perfect will for my life. Though I don't know the “whys” of many situations, I have made it a principle in my life, to not ask, to not question, and to willfully submit to such perfect plans. I am choosing to stand firm, and accept His will even if I don't understand (necessarily) everything that has happened, is happening, or will happen. I end with E.B. Pusey's exhortation, and hope that it will sink into your heart as well as it has in mine:
This, then, is of faith, that everything, that very least, or what seems to us great, every change of the seasons, everything which touches us in mind, body, or estate, whether brought about through this outward senseless nature, or by the will of man, good or bad, is overfuled to each of us by the all-holy and all-loving will of God. Whatever befalls us, however it befalls us, we must recieve it as the will of God. If it befalls us through man's negligence or ill-will or anger, still is, in even the least circumstance, to us the will of God. For if the least thing could happen to us without God's permission, it would be something out of God's control. God's providence or His love would not be what they are. Almighty God Himself would not be the same God; not the God whom we believe, adore, and love.
(Taken from Mary Wilder Tileston's Daily Strength for Daily Needs)

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from him.

Psalm 62:5

Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous hand.
Isaiah 41:10

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