September 21, 2005

Every good gift comes from above... every single one...

As I was scanning through one of the books I read recently, I found a statement of faith made by one of the most amazing man that have ever walked on the face of the earth... Besides Jesus, this man lived a purposefull life in wisdom and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

* For all of you guys out there who might not have a clue about what to make of your life, I would recommend that you learn and study the life of Jim Elliot. A true hero, who knew who he was, where he wanted to be, and the resources he had to accomplish the perfect will of God.

I took this quote from Shadow of the Almighty by Elizabeth Elliot.

"Because, O God, from Thee comes all, because from Thine own mouth has entered us the power to breath, from Thee the sea of air in which we swim and the unknown nothingness that stays it over us with unseen bands; because Thou gavest us from hear of love so tender, mind so wise and hand so strong, Salvation; because Thou art Beginning, God I worship Thee.
Because Thou art the end of every way, the goal of man; because to Thee shall come of every people respect and praise; their emissaries find thy throne their destiny; because Ethiopia shall stretch out her hands to Thee, babes sing Thy praise; because Thine altar gives to spawrrows shelter, sinners peace, and devils fury; because 'to Thee shall all flesh come,' because Thou art Omega, praise.
Because Thou art surely set to justify that Son of Thine and wilt in time make known just who He is and soon will send Him back to show Himself; because the name of Jesus has been laughingly nailed upon a cross and is even now on earth held very lightly and Thou wilt bring that Name to light; because, O God of Righteousness, Thou wilt do right by my Lord, Jesus Christ, I worship Thee."
In hot Pursuit,

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