April 13, 2005


Recently, I've been thinking about death. By death I don't mean the kind were your flesh dies and gets rotten, but the kind of death that calls you to a higher path: resurrection. When Jesus died, he sacrificed His life just to save His beloved bride (church); when He rose from the death, His body was glorified and sanctified as He went to be at the right hand of the Father...

Feeling lonely and afraid, Jesus, in His very last hours cried to the Father. Being the Son of God , He had the power to summit to Himself all powers and principalities, including men. As a man, He had the choice to either wait for His prosecutors, or run away... His will met the will of the father. Who's will are you pursuing? Yours or the Father's? Addison Leitch said that when the will of God crosses the will of man, somebody has to die. So we die in order to live.

The temporal suffering and pain we might be going through, will be just a fainted memory compared to the rewards we will be given in Heaven. Our purpose here on earth, is to die to ourselves, and to start to live for Christ. Paul says "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." How can you gain something from dying? Dying to one's self is is though, and wrecking for the flesh, yet, our spirits long for that carnal death, so that our bodies can be glorified, and sanctified as Jesus was. "Christ in us, the hope of glory," yet, the only way to have Christ in us, is to die.

The path of renunciation isn't easy. When the night in your life is at its darkest point, then God will show you the light to the path of renunciation, so that, you may follow the same path Christ took to the Calvary.

God has taken so many things away from my life, that just when I thought I had nothing left to give, He asks me for more... I will not offer a burnt sacrifice that cost me nothing (see 1 Chr. 21: 24) I will give to the Lord the best out of my life, the things I love the most... My dreams, my desires; all to Him because I will not offer something to Him that has cost me nothing!

I wait.
Dear Lord, Thy ways
Are past finding out,
Thy Love too high.
O hold me still
Beneath Thy shadow.
It is enough that Though
Lift up the light
Of Thy countenance.
I wait-
Because I am commanded
So to do. My mind
Is filled with wondering.
My soul asks "Why?"
But then the quiet word,
"Wait thou only
Upon God."
And so, not even for the light
To show a step ahead,
But for Thee, dear Lord,
I wait.

Ps. 44:18 (NEB)
In hot pursuit,


Benita said...

beautiful post sarahi...is the poem your own?

Abelid Sarahi said...

Beni, thanks for the note. The poem is not my own. I got it from a book called Passion and Purity.

Jerry, thanks for the comment. Nice web site. Liz has no web site of her own. Only the group one from our youth group Fuego Nuevo/New Fire. Davina deleted her due to outside forces... Anyway.
Thanks for blogging.