September 03, 2004

The Love of my Life (2)

I've been really lazy these last couple of weeks. Not wanting to write is one of the signs...
But, I started working out again, that means having lots and lots of energy, and wanting to do something productive instead of wanting to do something which wouldn't do anything good for me (health wise).
Having something to do, makes me think less of myself, and of course makes me think more about other things, including the Love of my Life. My Prince.
Wanting to look good, and pretty nowadays seems like a challenge worth taking. Yet, to me, it all sums up by having my Prince, when He looks at me, I feel beautiful; nothing changes that. He gives me the lily whiteness that I've always wanted. The beauty that every girl longs for, and can have only by having the love of God, my true Prince.
Despite the doubts, the fears, and trouble I've had the last weeks, I know that I can rest on the arms of the Love of my Life. Although I might not understand everything that happens around me, I can live a fulfilled life knowing and loving God.

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