This article was writen some months ago. I see how this word is coming to pass... It's so awesome that out generation is a generation of prophet-worshipers with a sword, what a great blessing to not only be called a servant, but a friend; to fight right next to my Mighty Warrior Poet, mighty in power, mighty in deeds... Some sentences and words I've bolded so that you pay close attention to the main words the Spirit of God is speaking to His childre.
I've learned to be silent during these weeks, just to wait on the Lord. I don't move a finger of mine unless the Lord tells me to do it so. Generation, listen, listen to the soft, sweet voice of the Poet, then, the Warrior will call you out for war.
In hot pursuit,
New Prophetic Trends Will NOW Emerge: A 10 Day Prayer Focus to Decree & Emerge into Your Promises Ahead!
By Dr. Chuck D. Pierce
Much that has been hidden will now begin to EMERGE! The prophetic voice is going through a metamorphosis and getting ready to emerge. Many have grown weary of a lack of integrity and immaturity in the prophetic. However, I have seen the prophetic since 1986 being like a butterfly emerging out of a cocoon. When the butterfly emerges there is great beauty. A metamorphosized beauty is linked with holiness. Psalm 96:9 says, “O, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Tremble before Him all the earth.” God has been renewing the mind of the prophets and breaking their conformity to this world (Romans 12:1-2).
To be conformed means that your outer fashion and appearance is modeled or patterned after world lust. God is removing the old garment from His prophets, transforming their minds and spirits, and preparing them to speak a clear word in season. This is a generation that is arising that will enter into a holy clarity of God’s expression in the earth.
We are entering a SEASON OF CRISIS. At any midpoint, it’s crucial to continue pressing forward and not go backwards. The Lord has a desire to raise up a generation to bring peace or wholeness into the earth realm. However, this is a generation with a sword in their hand. Many have resisted embracing the war aspect of this season. This happened in Numbers 14 when it was time for a generation to enter into Canaan to establish themselves in God’s promised land. Twelve spies went in. Ten returned with a report of the promises being real in the land. However, they were unwilling to go to war for those promises.
Forty years later, we find the Lord sanctifying a generation that would cross over into the war and possess God’s promise. We find the Lord developing a priesthood that would go before the people. We find the Captain of the Hosts meeting the leadership in a way to lead them past “their camps” and into His plan. We find a generation that was ready to BELIEVE and FOLLOW! That same thing is happening now. A generation is rising that is willing to believe, war and follow.
We have recently entered the Hebraic Year 5765. This is the fourth year in a seven year war season that began in September 2001. This is the year that many issues will come FULL CIRCLE! Therefore, this is the year that a generation must emerge with great spiritual life. This war is over the manifestation of covenant blessings in the earth realm. A generation is rising to bring forth the next dimension of covenant blessings in the earth. There seems to be ten emerging prophetic issues that we need to be concerned about this year. To emerge means to rise forth and come into view, to become visible, apparent or known, or sudden unforeseen situations coming into full view that require immediate action.
A generation is always linked with the act or process of producing offspring. A generation signifies a stage or degree in the succession of a person or a group of people who are aligned in experience, attitude, spiritual force or product development. A generation signifies a stage that should produce the next level of improvement and quality.
In Biblical understanding, a generation is linked with a revolution of time, or a certain age or lifespan where something happens. The Hebrew words for generation are doar and dur which mean to dwell or circle. Therefore, a generation is not just linked with age but with a heart to enter into the fullness of God’s planned inheritance for this time frame. It is a people filled will faith and a different spirit that have a heart cry like Caleb who said, “I’ve waited forty years - give me my inheritance now.” It is a corporate army who is crying, “We will not go around that mountain again! We are ready to break old cycles and enter in!”
In Matthew 24:6-7 the Lord told us, “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled. For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet” (emphasis added). If “the end is not yet,” then we must rise up and enter into the “now” of God. The end has connotations of finality. Since we have not reached that final place where the culmination of all things has occurred, we must learn to operate in the now!
In Matthew 24:6-7 the Lord told us, “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled. For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet” (emphasis added). If “the end is not yet,” then we must rise up and enter into the “now” of God. The end has connotations of finality. Since we have not reached that final place where the culmination of all things has occurred, we must learn to operate in the now!
What we do now will determine our future. Isaiah 46:9-10 says, “Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My Counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.’”
When we hear the word “war” we have thoughts of destruction, sorrow, grief, loss, conflict, and death. However, the Lord says clearly, “See that you are not troubled.” God is putting a peace in our hearts so a generation that is arising will go to war for all of God’s covenant promises. This generation is not just people young of age, but a people with a heart filled with faith, aligned together to bring forth God’s plan. There are many wars ahead: wars over the changing of laws and times, wars over calling good evil, and evil good, wars of compromise, wars of religion wanting us to take a form but denying the power of God. But God! This is a generation who will declare, decree a thing, and watch God bring it forth in the earth.
When the Lord makes a declaration He already knows the end of the thing. Recognize that you are on a path of life. It is set before you. You are urged to press along that path and endure that path until you reach the end. There are big boulders and potholes in the way, and often times, the path needs to be cleared out before you can begin. There may even be boulders all along the way. However, our Father in Heaven is going to watch after you from the beginning of that path until the finish line because He already knows the end.
With this reality we should never lose faith or hope along our path. The real issue along the path is to have a reality of who God is and what His purpose is from the beginning until the end. “I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last” (Rev 22:13). This is simply a statement that says, “I AM. I AM, and I can make you well able to accomplish My purpose here on the earth.” A verse that I want to remind you of is Jeremiah 33:3 from the Amplified: “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).” Let God show you things that you do not know so you can walk in victory.
A 10 Day Prayer Focus to Decree & Emerge into your Promises Ahead!
1. A New Passion in God’s prophetic people to be holy and separated out of and unto His purposes. Read Colossians 1. Ask God to reveal any unholy, besetting sin within you that could affect your conscience and allow Satan’s seducing, condemning voice to speak subtly in your ear. Meditate on Joshua 1-3. Prepare yourself for victory.
2. New emerging strategies that will cause us to have the right word to change legal structures. This is where the real war over our nation lies. Read Acts 3-5. Pray that the spirit of boldness begins to rest upon you. Ask the Spirit of God to deal with all of your infirmities. Ask the Lord to show you your place of involvement concerning legal structures in days ahead. Read Colossians 2. Ask God to remove any religious legalism you might be operating in.
3. New strategies concerning supply and the transference of wealth. Read 1 Kings 17, 2 Kings 4, and Mark 12:41-44. Decree that the spirit of poverty will not speak and deceive you this year. Ask God to show you how to multiply your resources. Ask the Lord to give you favor with your creditors. Ask the Lord to show you how to give. Ask the Lord to break a spirit of greed or covetousness in your bloodline.
4. New warfare strategies of recovery and reversal of fortune. Sit before the Lord and ask Him to give you the mind for recovery. Last month we prayed 1 Samuel 30. Re-read 1 Samuel 30:6-8. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Then read Jeremiah 30. Ask the Lord to give you an understanding of the power of restoration. Then pray Haggai 1-2. Decree that all disinterest, disillusionment and discouragement will break from you. Pray for every building project that God has put in your path – that includes ministries and your church as well as any physical building. Ask God to unlock the silver and the gold.
5. A new release of the seer anointing that will cause us to experience new dimensions of our covenant blessing. Read Jeremiah 31-33. Look very closely at the promises that are recorded with the new covenant. Ask God for any distinct obedience that He would have you do to prepare you for the new. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to mighty things that have been hidden to your understanding.
6. A new miracle mantle upon God’s people that produces signs, wonders and healings in the Body and the world around us. Be overwhelmed and encompassed by His supernatural LOVE. Read Colossians 3:1-17. Pray in the Spirit for five minutes. If you do not have a spiritual language then praise for five minutes. Receive a release of compassion. There will be great breakthroughs in the area of blood, the mind, and the endocrine system. Read Hebrews 4 and 9. Pray for everyone you know that has diseases related to the blood, mind or endocrine system. Ask God to bring them in your path so you can lay hands on them. Do not be afraid to lay your hands on the sick and pray for them this year.
7. New prophetic declarations that will cause old cycles to be fully completed, and new administrative methods released. Read Ezekiel 36-37. Read Matthew 14. Make a list of old cycles that have been hard to break. Decree the opposite.
8. A new season of adventure. This will not be a “safe” season spiritually. You must be willing to step out by faith. Read Hebrews 11. Then choose one of the faith characters and read the history of how that person stepped out. Ask God to give you faith to make a bold leap of faith this year. This is a year to walk a FINE LINE in every area of life. Do not be afraid of falling. Do not try to stay balanced in the flesh. Do not let your fear of change make you afraid of making decisions. This is a year of the Spirit supernaturally rekindling the power gifts. The war will take a supernatural turn. Read 1 Cor. 12 &14. Do not be afraid to experiment and be creative. Witchcraft will become very subtle. The Spirit of God will lead us into occult vs. Holy Spirit wars. Ask Holy Spirit to invade your life, church or ministry connections, and your state.
9. A new season of aligning the generations. Pray for three prodigals that you know. Pray for a college campus. Read Luke 15, especially vss. 11-32. We must connect the generations. Three generations must learn to war together this year (Isaiah 59:15-21). All three generations should speak the same prophetic declarations. The word generation is linked with circle. If you have time, re-read Esther 9.
10. New watchman strategies. Read Ezekiel 13:5. Prophets must shift from just prophesying to watching and standing in the gap. Our watchman assignments are changing. This will be a year of confusion and mixed reports. The Lord will release great discernment based upon our connections and alignments. Ask God who and what you are watching after. Read Genesis 2:8-15. Ask God to define your garden. Ask Him what gardens you are watching after. Read 2 Samuel 18:19-33. Ask God to give you a sure word over those assignments that you are watching after. Read Isaiah 62. Let the restlessness of God come upon you that you may be watchful and not keep silent over the burdens of your heart.
From Glory of Zion
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