January 14, 2007

Scattered Thoughts...

I've been trying to get inspired, but my muse insists on visiting me by night, and far far away from a computer keyboard. Nevertheless, I present to you... My mostly scattered thoughts with slight chances of rain:

Pride is usually the root of most moral failures.

I AM a WOMAN, and YES, I'm called to ministry!!!

I want to be transparent: Integrity and personal accountability before God and my spiritual authorities.

"Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Spirituality and the Mind found that worshipers who speak in tongues are ceding some control of their brain, the New York Times reported. Led by center director Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, the scientists took brain images from the five women while they were speaking in tongues their frontal lobes- the willful, thinking part of the brain- were quiet, as were the language centers, indicating something else was in control. The findings differed from similar scans of the people practicing meditation, which showed a more active frontal lobe." -Charisma Magazine

In hot pursuit this 2007,

P.S. Some Kiwies can fly... just watch me!