April 30, 2006

The vision awaits its appointed time

And the Lord answered me:
"Write the vision:
make it plain on tablets;
so he may run who reads it.
For still the vision awaits its appointed
it hastens to the end- it will not lie.
If it seems slow, wait for it;
it will surely come; it will not delay."

Habakkuk 2:2-3

April 20, 2006

Set apart

God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the gentiles.
(Gal. 1:15-16)

I thank Thee, O living and eternal King,
Who has mercifully restored my soul within me;
Thy faithfulness is great.
(Ibid., I, 1.)

April 07, 2006

Immigration reform

I received this email from a friend who, disagreeing with my point of view about the resent topic being discussed in Congress regarding an immigration reform that would allow many illegal immigrants to gain their legal status as residents in the US, wrote to me because such reform would back fire... If you have any comments for or against, they will gladly be welcomed.

Hey Sarahi:
What kind of immigration reform do you want to see?Well, without making you or anyone else mad, I want to see:
The borders closed because I want our govt to know who is coming across, plus to slow down the drug, gangs,and human trafficking coming across the border. Especially gangs like MS-13 that are causing problems in our streets and cities. I don't think we should make all illegals Felons, for one, it's unrealistic, and two there are good people here in the U.S. trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. But after you commit a felon in the U.S., and you serve your time, you should be sent back, and never granted access again to theU.S. Too many repeat offenders coming back and forth, and our judicial system is almost a third illegal alliens. They should receive due process of law.
I am okay with a guest worker program as long as they pay taxes, and the workers receive at least minimum wage. My thing is illegal workers are hurting the middle class, union jobs such as painters, construction, carpenters are going away because business are paying illegals a lot less and with no benefits, and it drives wages down and hurts our middle class. Middle class is the backbone of American society in my opinion. Business should befined when they hire illegals knowingly. However, there should be a guest worker program, or a "work for citizenship" program for those who have been here.
Then, the government should give Homeland Security more money to process visa and citizenship paperwork, it should be quicker and easier to encourage immigrants to go through the process.
These are my opinions, don't be upset if you disagree with me, you know I love the Latin culture, but I love my country too, and I think I have a descent planto fix immigration reform. I have put a lot of thought into it...