December 22, 2004



by: Lope de Vega (1562-1635)

LORD, what am I, that with unceasing care
Thou did'st seek after me, that Thou did'st wait
Wet with unhealthy dews before my gate,
And pass the gloomy nights of winter there?
Oh, strange delusion, that I did not greet
Thy blest approach, and oh, to heaven how lost
If my ingratitude's unkindly frost
Has chilled the bleeding wounds upon Thy feet.

How oft my guardian angel gently cried,
"Soul, from thy casement look, and thou shalt see
How He persists to knock and wait for thee!"
And oh, how often to that Voice of sorrow,
"Tomorrow we will open," I replied,
And when the morrow came I answered still "Tomorrow."

This English translation by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow of "Tomorrow" is reprinted from Hispanic Anthology: Poems Translated from the Spanish by English and North American Poets. Ed. Thomas Walsh. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1920.

If you want to know more about Lope de Vega, you can read more here.

December 21, 2004

How Geek are you?

I took this test, pretty funny. Some questions were like ??? Anyway. Take it if you have nothing to do. Sad, I'm 16 % geek!!! I thought that wasn't even part of my DNA... Sad.

You are 16% geek

OK, so maybe you ain't a geek. You do, at least, show a bit of interest in the world around you. Either that, or you have enough of a sense of humor to pick some of the sillier answers on the test. Regardless, you're probably a pretty nifty, well-rounded person who gets along fine with people and can chat with just about anyone without fear of looking stupid or foolish or overly concerned with minutiae. God, I hate you.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at

December 16, 2004

My mom, Bere and I (enjoying a Mexican churro) Posted by Hello

Bere & I 16 Christmas ago Posted by Hello

Dad and sister. I'm the one playing with the plant at age 2. Posted by Hello

Psalm 19

As my Christmas break starts, I often tend to sleep in, and just wander around the house trying to do something productive with my life. But I want this year to end as full of God as I possibly can. Today I was reading Psalm 19 and there were two verses in particular that called on my attention. And then, I started praying within me, "Lord, may this also be my prayer, I want to my every thought to be of your approval, I just don't want to wander, I want to live my life ( to the very last second) thinking about you, and meditating upon Your Word."

Meditating includes reading the Word of God, memorizing it, and knowing it. I want to finish this year with the Word of God in my mind and heart in order for His Word to flow out of my heart and life naturally, more than just breathing it, but also living His every Word.

Keep back Your servant also from
presumptuous sins;
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be innocent of great
Let the words of my mouth and the
meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my
Ps. 19: 13-14

Change in blog name

I had to change the name of my blog, because yesterday my sister told me that the name Songbird was also the name of a cheesy song "we all hate to love," so I just thought of changing the name of my blog to the name of my favorite flowers: Lilies.

I need some feedback. How do you like this new name?


Pretty girls Posted by Hello

December 15, 2004

A letter to my dear...

I'm reading a book by Jane Austen, Persuasion. The novel is great, and since I've read most of her books my heart palpitates faster than ever because she just has these male characters who are just wonderful, and so romantic.
I might sound like a fool to you, but I believe there are men out there who can be just as wonderful as these male characters, or even better. I have been given wings, now I must fly. I am a believer of a greater manhood, as originally designed by God, and I know that there are thousands of young men out there who don't conform to the world standards of what a guy should be, and that they rise to the challenge to become the men God created them to be.

So here's a letter that one of these wonderful characters wrote to his beloved she. His name is Frederick Wentworth, and yes, he's cute, wonderful and very much in love.

'I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own, than when you almost broke it eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, and weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone I think and plan. - Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes?- I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice, when they would be lost on others.- Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating in

F. w.

'I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house this evening or never.'

So, there's a little bit of what makes me faint, and dream, and sends me out flying among angels and humming birds.


December 09, 2004

Experiencing daily passion, and thinking about my epitaph

At your request Warrior-Poet…

Continuing on with the seven questions I intended to answer from If you want to walk on Water you have to get out of the Boat, I’ll proceed to give my answer to the following two questions.

How much passion do I experience in my daily life?

If you would have asked that question a couple of years back, I would have told you that I experience a lot of passion. That I feel that everyday is a new day to bless other people, to pray for other people, to be blessed…

But since I’m here living in the NOW, I must make another confession: I don’t experience a lot of passion, or at least, no the kind of passion I would like to have.
Sometimes it is just too easy to wake up, lift up a prayer of “thanks Lord” here and there, and then, move on to do everything else mechanically as if programmed to just exist, but not live. A person can be passionate about his/her day only on the surface.

We can get too acquainted with the worldly things and the worldly people that we fool ourselves into thinking that because we’ve interacted with them and pour out our heart into it; we’ve lived that day passionately to the point of finding them satisfactory, here’s where the danger lies.

But when you go home, then, you realize how superficial and lifeless you are, that the things you consider worth it are nothing but just a blur, rubbish…That gives me no reason to live and to experience godly passion throughout my day.

I want to be passionate about life. I want to wake up everyday with wings of eagle.
Those who live a passionate life, are those people who change the world because their passion is so contagious that people around them are compelled to change, to live, to be passionate about God, life and others. I want to be a 1 Chronicles 29:28 person, knowing that I’ve lived my life passionately because I did everything I was called to do.
As my favorite Bible verse says it, “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 3:14)
I have every reason to live a passionate life: God, family, friends, health, destiny, purpose…

That leads me to the third question from the book: What do I want my epitaph to say?

I want my epitaph to be something like this:

Here sleeps Abelid Sarahi Dominguez, a powerful woman of God who fulfilled her life’s destiny.
She did everything she was called to do:
Planted churches around the world, touched entire nations with the power of the Spirit of God upon her life.
She went to Latin American nations
And became a reformer of the political, religious, and cultural system of the time
turning these nations into nations surrendered to the power of God.
In the early years of her youth, she worshiped God with all her being,
And led thousands of people into the presence of God.
She also was able to break the yoke of a young, stubborn generation
that was in captivity.
She prophesized the word of the Lord, and healed the sick and the broken hearted.
Sarahi was a humble, honorable and wise woman of God.
Abelid Sarahi ran her race and finished it, she won the prize doing everything she was called to do.
And died full of years “at a good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth and honor…”
Live, breath, dream...
In hot pursuit,

December 02, 2004

Song of the Year

There's always a song that goes to the heart. A song that speaks to you, and that is often played on your head everyday. As this year comes to an end, I like to think about the one song that made my day, that touched me and even changed my personal view on how God likes to relates to us mortal beings who have been rescued from "eternal damnation."

This year, that song is "Take all of me," so here it is my 2004 song of the year:

You broke the night like the sun
and healed my heart with your great love
any trouble I couldn't bear
you lifted me upon your shoulders.
Love that stronger
Love that cover sin
and takes the weight of the world.
I love you
all of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ, take my life
take all of me.
You stand on mountain tops with me
with you I walk through the valleys
you gave your only Son for me
your grace is all I rely on.
I love you so, and I give up my heart to say
I need you so, my everything.
Marty Sampson/ Hillsong Publishing 2003

November 30, 2004

Beautiful lines

Again, I found these lines on a poem Ashish wrote. He's such a warrior-poet... I promise to write something of my own next time, but I just had to have these lines. I'm memorizing them. If you want to read the whole poem "Standing" go to Ashish's Web

Through the pain , and through you loss,
Never forget, what you lost
For love keeps the beat of the heart going
Don't lose your heart's desire
In life's quagmire
A hope-filled existence is all

November 23, 2004

A song

Here's a song that one of my friends from Canada wrote. It's beautiful! He's really talented, there's no doubt God is up to something... He sure is a man of God. I hope you'll be blessed with this song as much as I was.

A Lovesong...

Through The Pain
by Ashish Joy

You speak to my heart with perfection
Your heart feels the beat of mine
Your hand holds me in my struggles
Your glory resides upon my life
Through the pain, I feel your presence surrounding me
In life's heartbreaks, I still know you're there
In abandon, you lavish your unfailing love
More than ever, you're my love, my friend
O Lord your ways, it goes beyond my understanding of you
I'll just leave my ways and paths under your care
For you knew my heart of old when I knew you not
And you conquered me with love, O my friend
You call me yours alone, even in my times of pain
I know you'll be my source of hope and strength
In the midst of your assembly will I sing forth praise
To a God on high, whose love has no end

November 10, 2004

Dreams, dreams, and more dreams...

Given the fact that for the last couple of months I have found myself dormant, lazy and without passion, I have decided to stop this cycle and once more run into the arms of the Almighty to have my life back.
I used to be passionate about God, His children, prayer... I miss Him so much, I miss spending long hours with Him listening to His sweet, sweet voice. I miss having a purpose, a reason to be, to live, to breath. I miss my first love: Jesus.
Today I pray that this will be the last day of my purposeless life. I'm just putting an end to this life of mine which can drive me into the path of death, and worse of eternal separation from my God. Purpose will be my anthem, and in God alone I will find the meaning of that word.
I'm getting my dreams, my aspirations, my passion and desire, my reason to live; all back.
Therefore, I decided to answer seven question which I found in pp 50 of If You Want to Walk on Water You've got to Get out of the Boat by John Ortberg.
So the question, which is the same question I've been pondering about for these last couple of weeks is: What is my deepest dream?
Ever since I was a little girl (about 4 years old) I felt a strong call from God. I wanted to worship. My dream is to worship God with my whole being, with my actions, my words, my voice, my life...
In worshiping God I want to bring honor to His name, and in honoring Him I would bring other people to the knowledge of God.
I know that when people worship God, He delivers them from their chains, their boundaries, their yoke. Those who live a life of worship know what freedom means. Jesus is the Way, the Thruth, the Life. In living a life of worship I acknowledge that He is my only Way, my only Thruth, my Life. He holds the keys to life and death, and if I go to Him with my boundaries, with my chains, He, the Key Master will deliver me.
I am weak and not afraid to recognize the areas where I've failed, yet I find that when I fail and in my weaknesses I go to my Emmanuel in worship, then, He delivers me.
In those times of deliverance, He loves me and gives me dreams. My deepest dream is and will always be to worship because I've got nothing left to do, but to worship and love the God who has given me all things.

If I know the meaning of love is because He has pour out all His love upon me. I love Him so very much. Every palpitation within my heart is for Him. Every breath that I take feels like Him. Everywhere I turn I see His face. Every droop of rain smells like Him. I feel His fragrance all over me. I love HIM.
Lord I love you with every piece of my insignificant been, with every piece of my heart, with every drop of my blood, with all that I am. My Jesus I love you more than any living thing on earth.

Como a nadie en esta tierra yo te amo y nunca me voy a cansar de decirtelo. Por que me amas, yo soy tuya; soy una esclava por amor. Porque un dia en tu presencia es mejor que mil fuera de ella (Sal. 24)

Aunque mis ojos no te puedan ver,
se que estas ahi, Tu estas aqui.
Aunque mis manos no pueden tocar
tu rostro mi Amor, se que estas aqui.
-Vastago Producciones 2004

**I pray that you may come to know the Giver of Life and Freedom everyday more and more. Call upon His name, I assure you He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Just ask Him to come into your heart and seek His face.

November 09, 2004


I been wondering for the last couple of weeks about my life. There is always a point in life where one must stop, look around, and analyze what is being seen.
One thing that's been around my mind for a while is the famous question my parents have asked me ever since I was 6: What do you want? Is what you want what you really need?
Think about it.
In trying to answer this question I wonder whether what I want right now is what I really need. How essential is this thing that I want, that I long for? In the given case that this want is a need, how am I suppose to know that this want is a real need? Or even worse, that this want is not a need.
I might not make sense to you, and it doesn't make sense to me either, so I'm trying to figure this out.
My brain is a giant revolution of thought. God, Family, Church, School, Work... So many things to be thinking about, so many feelings to endure and control. Now that I come to realize I might be in love... It feels good though, tastes like a delicacy, it's as if I am flying with angels. I even forget that I'm cold, that I'm hungry. But again, here's that question again: Is this what I want AND need?
I need prayer. Please pray for me.

In hot pursuit,


October 16, 2004

Tips for Authentic Beauty

Saying Goodbye to Self-Pity
By Leslie Ludy

In Authentic Beauty, I describe the slippery slope of self-pity.
Self-pity is one of the most dangerous attitudes to allow into our life. It is one thing to become periodically sad when we are disappointed or hurt by something that happens to us. But continually wallowing in our own misfortune, allowing ourselves to internally moan and groan about every outward struggle we face, is extremely dangerous. It blinds us to see the needs of others, and worse, it keeps us focused on ourselves instead of on our Prince.
This week, take stock of your self-pity status. If you find yourself dwelling on your own problems more than on the amazing wonder and love of Jesus Christ, and if you are more aware of your own struggles than the needs of those around you, that means it’s time to take action against the ugly self-pity that is weighing you down. The best antidote for self-pity is to look for ways to serve others. It can be something simple – like taking time to build a deeper relationship with one of your family members, making a meal for someone who is sick, or visiting a nursing home and chatting with lonely residents. The important thing is to move from a selfish attitude to a selfless one. As you make this transition, you’ll be amazed at the freedom and joy that will fill you and the authentic beauty that will begin to flow from your life.

September 11, 2004

Te Mire a Los Ojos

Te mire a los ojos
y te vi el amor
te mire al corazon
y senti tu amor.
No me canso de oirte
tu cancione me hizo llorar
y comienzo declarar
lo mas intimo de mi corazon.
Tu amor me asombra
tu amor me sorprende
entre las cosas que no entiendo
lo que menos comprendo es tu amor.
Tu amor me abraza,
tu amor me arraza,
entre lo poco que yo he entendido
lo que mas he compredido
es que no puedo vivir sin tu amor.
Escuche el latido de tu corazon,
pude oir la ternura de tu cancion
y al estar a tu lado hay completa paz,
en tu pecho acostado me cantaras.
Canzion producciones 2001
Letra y musica: Marcos Witt

September 03, 2004

The Love of my Life (2)

I've been really lazy these last couple of weeks. Not wanting to write is one of the signs...
But, I started working out again, that means having lots and lots of energy, and wanting to do something productive instead of wanting to do something which wouldn't do anything good for me (health wise).
Having something to do, makes me think less of myself, and of course makes me think more about other things, including the Love of my Life. My Prince.
Wanting to look good, and pretty nowadays seems like a challenge worth taking. Yet, to me, it all sums up by having my Prince, when He looks at me, I feel beautiful; nothing changes that. He gives me the lily whiteness that I've always wanted. The beauty that every girl longs for, and can have only by having the love of God, my true Prince.
Despite the doubts, the fears, and trouble I've had the last weeks, I know that I can rest on the arms of the Love of my Life. Although I might not understand everything that happens around me, I can live a fulfilled life knowing and loving God.

August 18, 2004

The love of My life

This morning as I woke up, I had a song in my head. You probably know what I mean because it has happended to you either this week or this month. It is a great feeling to wake up with a song that only you can hear, it is like God singing to your ear.
A song that sets free, a song of love.
We as young people tend to let out mind wonder about random stuff: music, sports, fashion, school, relationships; yet when I lay down to sleep, I like to think about the love of my life. He's all I've ever dreamed of, my gorgeous prince... What a wonderful feeling, to love, to surrender everything you thought worth it. All for love.

(To be continued)

August 17, 2004

My new blog spot

If you happen to be one of the lucky people reading this blog, thank you. I intended for this site to be a blessing to everyone reading it. Yet, it's not going to be a puritan little site which speaks against the world for I am a human being enduring the same tests and circumstances that each day brings along, nor a secular site which ignores the existence of a higher being pretending to be its own god and maker. May that be far away from me, for I know the Maker of all things, and if I am to make Him happy with this opportunity to share with you my thoughts, then let it be so.
I also wanted to use this little site of blogs to communicate my thoughts to those pertaining to my generation. Whether relevant or not, I felt the need of writing to a specific group of people (age wise).
I'll try to post a blog per week, if necessary I might post more blogs depending on the situation I'm encountering. Again, thank you for taking the time to read this, and I truly hope you'll get something out of it.
As I was writing this I was listening to a song by Eugene Greco from his latest production Songs of Deliverance, here's the song:
My redeemer Lives
Even though I walk through the valley
I will fear no evil, He's with me
On the battlefield
Although the pain is real
My struggles soon will fade
As His glory is revealed
My Redeemer lives
And I will see His glory
As He works all things
Together for my good
Whatever things occur
Of this I can be sure
I know my Redeemer lives
In hot pursuit,